6 Essential tips for a sound-mind-body during COVID-19

At the time of this writing, it looks like the Covid-19 pandemic will continue on for some time. How will we cope? We can’t change these circumstances but we can work on achieving a sound-mind-body connection to better our health, wellness, and lifestyle changes.

Here are 6 essential tips to help you maintain a sound-mind-body during the COVID-19 pandemic:

What you put in is what you get out.

That means your mind as well as your body. Everyone is a product of their environment. Many of us are quite unaware of the physical and intangible (psychological) toxins that surround us. With that here are 6 simple suggestions:

how to have a sound mins and body during covid

1 Exercise like you really mean it. Exercise because you love it. Of course, everyone has their own level of capability. The key is to find the form of exercise that is right for you. It is suggested to reach out to a certified health and wellness coach to motivate you to create the right plan of action. A coach will work with you alongside your doctor, as needed. The beauty of taking on an exercise program actually mirrors one of the greatest gifts of life. The more you do, the more you can do. The same is true in learning new things. Keeping this beautiful thought in mind will give you much gratitude and appreciation as you enjoy your improved health and well-being.

2 A good second step to create a sound, peaceful, and stress-free environment is to turn off your devices whenever possible. Take a break from technology every now and then… Perhaps set aside a day each week to disconnect. The peace and quiet will help you to reconnect with yourself and, thus, communicate better with others, too. You will feel grounded and easier to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic’s lifestyle changes we face. You will be surprised at the sounds you will hear in this state of tranquility.

3 While in this state of peace and serenity try something novel. Learn to be creative. Learn to release your own creative energy. Express yourself in any way that makes you feel energized. Pick up a pen and paper and start to write a journal, paint, sculpt, cook, dance or sing…. etc. The opportunities are endless and everchanging. Who knows? You may discover a talent you never knew you had before.

4 Detoxify. Tainted indoor air, toxic cleaners, insecticides, radiation from wifi’s, cable boxes, microwaves, cell phones, and Bluetooth, just to name a few, can be harmful when used incorrectly. It is suggested to substitute natural options whenever possible. Turn off devices when not being used. Clean air filters often.

5 This tip could possibly be the most effective of them all. Healing through giving. Whatever problem we have, when we feel melancholy, or angry or just out of answers, become a giver. When you take the focus off of yourself and your own challenges, concentrating on helping others is true healing. To give of your time, to be kind, to smile seems to most always have a positive outcome.

sound mind and body during covid

Call friends and family, reach out, show you care, give a gift whenever possible. Try the old fashioned way and write a letter to someone or send a greeting card. One of the wisest people I ever met was a woman named Ester Jungreis. She said the greatest form of charity you can give to someone is a smile. Indeed, lifting someone’s spirit is an immeasurable form of giving and healing. She also asserted that “happiness is a decision”.

6 Now, we must work on maintaining a sound-mind-body during this COVID-19 pandemic. We must stay connected with our new-found serenity and calmness realizing that the challenges of the pandemic are still here. We will be able to work through these times creatively with a strong mind and body connection. This may seem similar to the first 4th tips, but they are all interrelated. Disconnect and re-connect, so to speak. Learn to turn off your devices, watch the news less, be in tune with what makes you happy and healthy. Be creative while respecting the rules of best prevention of COVID-19.

We are all finding it difficult today to choose which news source to tune into for information about the US, world, virus, and so on. There is a website that we highly recommend as far as news media is concerned. It is called “News Without Politics” (newswithoutpolitics.com). It’s a place to receive unbiased news daily. Engaging in unbiased news has shown to be more conducive to your overall level of health and wellness. I have spent a lot of time and research into finding news sources that minimize stress. It is amazing to see how many interesting and amazing news stories that have been buried and /or obscured by politics. “News Without Politics” finds the most relevant and important stories worldwide.

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News Without https://newswithoutpolitics.com/Politics

Remember “Being Happy boosts the immune systems and helps people cope better with viruses”



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